Best Rain and Thunder Sounds for Sleep - by a Ceraunophile
My personal favourite sound for sleeping and relaxing has to be that of a thunderstorm.

Pluviophile Review and Gameplay
A review and gameplay video of the new game Pluviophile by Tonguç Bodur

Petrichor - Why we Love the Smell of Rain
The word Petrichor is used to describe the distinct smell of rain in the air. A sweet scent that all pluviophiles know very well.

Who are Pluviophiles? - The Pluviophile Myth
I believe pluviophiles worship the weather as much as they worship the rain. Loving the rain is the wonderment of mother nature at work.

Onomatopoeia - words for rain that sound like rain
Interestingly the many sounds of rain are one of the most common examples of onomatopoeia.

For the love of rain - AccuWeather
It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Dexter for AccuWeather.com about pluviophiles and discuss how we create our recordings.

Rain on Me - The Chromatica Weather Girls
Presenting themselves as “The Chromatica Weather Girls” - Gaga and Grande have now appeared twice for The Weather Channel this week.

What is the meaning of pluviophile?
According to the internet at least, people that love rain are called pluviophiles.

Why does the sound of rain make you sleepy?
Humans associate the sound of rain with being indoors, safe, and seeking shelther from a potential storm.