Pluviophile: Lover of Rain, Storms & Thunder
Pluviophile Definition
(n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
Listen to the sounds of a real THUNDERSTORM
Best Enjoyed with Headphones!
Listening to storm sounds of rain and thunder are great for relaxing and having a great nights sleep. Rain and Thunderstorms provide an ideal backdrop to our dreams and are perfect soundscapes for us pluviophiles.
Every pluviophile has their favourite rain sounds that helps them relax and feel at peace. Whether it’s rain falling on the leaves of a forest, the surface of a lake or the gentle pitter-patter of rain against your bedroom window.
We are lovers of rain, storms and thunder and we create our recordings without any commentary or distractions to help you relax and focus only on the sound of rain.
Rain Sounds for Sleeping
Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head
Enjoy the sounds of rain gently falling on an umbrella
Real rain sounds for sleep and relaxation
Pluviophiles love listening to the sound of relaxing rain as it is unmatched for helping you fall into a restful sleep. The steady rhythm calms and relaxes you, clearing your mind so you only focus on the sound of rain and nothing else.
The sound of rain falling on different surfaces is unique with every recording we make. The variance and intensity of rain noise provides a constant and changing rhythm from gentle rainfall to the large raindrops of a storm.
We record many of our rain sounds in native 3D Binaural Audio to provide you will a fully immersive and realistic listening experience.
“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.” ― Edward Bulwer Lytton
What is a Pluviophile?
A pluviophile loves the pitter-patter sound that rain makes agains their bedroom window. They enjoy the outdoors regardless of the weather and will draw open their curtains to watch the spectale of a thunderstorm late at night. They will breathe in the sweet smell of rain in the morning and will find joy and happiness on rainy rays.
Pluviophile YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel features longplay recordings of the sound of rain in 3D. Each month we’ll be updating our collection of high quality HD recordings of rain for sleeping, relaxation, meditation or study.
All content is original and created by pluviophile.com. We record all video and audio out in the field using a variety of field recording equipment. All of our rain videos are available to watch for free on our YouTube Channel.
Tired but cant sleep? Relax to rain sounds on a tent
Feel warm and safe inside
There's nothing quite like the sound of rain falling on your tent while camping. Close your eyes and imagine yourself warm and safe in your sleeping bag looking up at the canvas roof and listening to the relaxing sound of rain on a tent. You can listen to steady rain sounds for sleeping, relaxing, and studying. This recording was captured in 3D binaural audio.
Check out our interactive Rain Radar to see if it’s raining where you live. This tool is perfect for pluviophiles and great fun to explore the world and find thunderstorms and the raniest places on earth.
Rainy Day? We’ve got you covered!
We have curated a selection of Pluviophile products for the rainiest of days including fashionable umbrellas, raincoats, rain boots and even weather stations.
I hope you like our collection of rainy day products from Amazon and Redbubble. Every purchase will go a small way towards supporting our website and helping us create new recordings of rain, thunderstorms and nature for you to enjoy on our YouTube Channel.
How to get a good night’s sleep?
Try listening to calming water sounds
Listen to a river at night for sleeping. Calming water sounds using a dark screen used to help you focus on the relaxing river sounds only. Water sounds are ideal for someone looking for tinnitus relief. No Birds, just a the sound of gentle flowing river at night. A genuine recording of a river at nighttime for sleep. This 2 hour recording is of real water, no loops, just relaxing river sounds for sleeping.
If you like our recordings and would like to support us you can donate to help us create more pluviophile content in addition to subscribing to our YouTube channel. Please like our videos and leave us comments and suggestions.
We will be uploading to our Rain YouTube Channel monthly.
Please subscribe to our channel to be notified of all new recordings.
A review and gameplay video of the new game Pluviophile by Tonguç Bodur